Autocad Lt 11 Crack
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Help, i have autocad lt 11 (64 bits) on a laptop lenovo W530 (nvidia K2000M). I use Unigraphics NX6 too. I have 2 problems since i migrated to Windows 7 entreprise 64 bits. I haven't this problem with Windows XP.
1- When i do a chamfer or a raccord (at 0) The shift key freeze the screen and it's impossible to obtain the result. For example the shift key doesn't work when i deselect an object from a group. 2- I have another problem when i type a command or a text the response time is not immediate. Thanks for your answer regards Sylvain.
Your last post speaks of 2 screens being used. Assuming the other LT Seats are also on Laptops with the video being pushed to a second monitor as well. How much RAM for the Laptops? Aero or other themes being used?
Have you tried not using the second monitor and just having LT run on the Laptop screen only? If so do the problems persist? If not then there is an issue with the second monitor, and that may be nothing more than adding the monitor and then extending LT to that screen.
Autocad Lt 11
Changing OS from Win XP to Win 7 would not automatically make video changes to the setup of LT from one OS to another. So, i tested the sticky modification. And nothing changed but it seems it's the good way. I do a mistake. I launch the 'on-screen-keyboard' after that my 'physical keyboard' did'nt work. I tested this config with autocad and it works! To change the keybord situation i must tell to my IT crew (because i don't have the administrator right).
That was not easy but after some times. We find one thing. When my laptop was configured it was using the soft 'dameware virtual keyboard' and it's the reason why i can't change the config keyboard alone. We try to delete this soft (try because for the moment it's not complete) and between a restart my physical keyboard and the shift key was ok. Autocad works very good. BUT when the IT connect my laptop again, the problem be back and some parts of the soft 'dameware virtual keyboard' was'nt destroy. Now i'm waiting the next week because they will try to delete completely this soft.
And i hope autocad works. Maybe it's not the solution, so if you have an idea don't hesitate. Finally after different test ( it's not easy to launch a safe mode in Windows 7 entreprise with a lenovo W530) I try in safe mode and Autocad did not work. I launch Autocad and after 5 seconds it closes. But I have a news about my problem. I found a dwg file made 03 may 2013 (with autocad lt11 / windows XP) and when i launch Autocad by this file, this file unblock all my problems!! Incredible! After this i can use Autocad normally create a new drawing etc. For information this file was create by the same gabarit (.dwt) file.
I check if i found some difference between the both situation and i saw the old file is a trusted dwg and not the new one. How it could be possible?
And is this, the reason why i have problems or not? I don't know. Maybe when my IT install Autocad an option must be valid? If you have any answer tell me because it's very weird. 'trusted' means the file was created in AutoCAD: the tohers must have been created in other programs.
Sounds like you just need to reset your default templates based solely on your posts, although I'm still confused about that whole 'virtual keyboard' software entry you also identified as a solution. We don't use Lenovo laptops (or desktops), but we do have 2011-2012-2013-2014 installed in Win7 Pro 64bit with no issues in our entire office. And all of out default templates are created in AutoCAD.
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