Disable Software Protection Platform Service

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Hi, whenever I open a Microsoft Office 2010 application (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc), the following two tasks show up in task manager: 'osppsvc.exe' and 'ose.exe'. The paths are: C: Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform OSPPSVC.EXE C: Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared Source Engine OSE.EXE And I found they are related to the following services: 'Office Software Protection Platform' Service 'Office Source Engine' Service The problem is that even after closing the office 2010 application, these tasks continue active in the background (they don't close). They seem to be essential to Office 2010 applications as disabling the corresponding service will prevent the Office 2010 application from starting. Is there any way to tweak the registry or otherwise any other option (from within Office) so that these background tasks close when no Office 2010 program is in use? NOTE: These background tasks were not present in Office 2007. Using Office 2010 in Windows XP Pro SP3. Hi: I JUST got off the phone with a Microsoft engineer about this exact problem.

Software Protection Service is the worst garbage bug shi*t of Windows 10. This trash is using 32% CPU all time. If I could disable this garbage, I’d be very happy. Aug 17, 2016 This video show How to Start or Stop Software Protection Service in Windows 10 Pro. How to Disable or Enable Windows Defender in Windows 10.

Adobe flash portable download. On my XP box, Opppsvc.exe from Office Pro Plus 2010 remains open all the time and sucks valuable system resources. Originally, the tech provided me with a Registry hack involving an 'InactivityShutdownDelay' key which must be added to the Registry. The idea was to shut off the Opppsvc.exe after a given period of time. He was surprised it didn't work although the key was edited exactly as he provided.

It turned out, after a conversation with his developers, that XP doesn't have the capability to execute the key. Only Vista and 7. Which would mean that if someone wants the service to turn off, you'd need to write a little.bat file to stop it for you.

But I don't know how to do that. So I'll live with the stupid extra overhead or shut the service off from the Task Manager whenever I need to. Hi: I JUST got off the phone with a Microsoft engineer about this exact problem. On my XP box, Opppsvc.exe from Office Pro Plus 2010 remains open all the time and sucks valuable system resources.


Originally, the tech provided me with a Registry hack involving an 'InactivityShutdownDelay' key which must be added to the Registry. The idea was to shut off the Opppsvc.exe after a given period of time. He was surprised it didn't work although the key was edited exactly as he provided. It turned out, after a conversation with his developers, that XP doesn't have the capability to execute the key.


Only Vista and 7. Which would mean that if someone wants the service to turn off, you'd need to write a little.bat file to stop it for you. But I don't know how to do that. So I'll live with the stupid extra overhead or shut the service off from the Task Manager whenever I need to. The following bat file works for MSWord: @echo off 'C: Program Files Microsoft Office Office14 winword.exe' net stop osppsvc For Excel & Powerpoint just substitute excel.exe & powerpnt.exe respectively for winword.exe Note1: There is not need to start the osppsvc service as the MSOffice application will do that. Note2: The second line in the bat file should be enclosed in exclamation marks otherwise it will not work.

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To create a desktop shortcut simply right click on the bat file name in Windows Explorer and select Send To Desktop.

Hi Josh, I would like to share this thread with you, which includes more information about OSPPSVC.EXE process/service: And it also includes a workaround to specific the seconds that the Office Software Protection Platform will stay running for, after the most recent activity. Please have a try and see if it works for you: Key: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform ValueName: InactivityShutdownDelay ValueType: DWORD ValueData: The number in seconds, that the Office Software Protection Platform will stay running for, after the most recent activity. The windows default for this is 300 seconds. Regards, Ethan Hua Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help.

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