Peoplesoft Unable To Email The Sqr Report

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Managing PeopleSoft Reports Using Report Manager. Contact NUIT Support Center at 847-491-HELP. PeopleSoft report types include SQR, Crystal.


Sqr Reporting Tool

  • PeopleSoft Enterprise SCM Engineering - Version 9.2 and laterError '. (0,17,0)' when Running the 'ECO Report' SQR Report (EGS1000) with the 'Print Text' Option.
  • PeopleSoft Reporting and Analytics. PeopleSoft has always offered powerful and versatile reporting capabilities with. Users generate reports in context.

Your rating: None Average: 4.8 ( 8 votes) Here is the piece of code you can use to send email with attachments in SQR. BEGIN-PROCEDURE sendmail let $subject = 'Subject of the Email Here' let $tolist = '' let $ReportID = 'G: PeopleSoft Reports ReportName.pdf' let $alias ='Attachment File Name Alias including the file extension' let $enter = chr(10)chr(13) let $bodytxt = 'Hi,'$enter$enter'Please Find the Report attached with this email.' $enter$enter'Regards,'$enter 'Peoplesoft Application Support'$enter$enter'PS: We request you not to reply to this automated mail trigger.' Let $mail-cmd = 'F: PSFT819 bin server winx86 psmail -TO'$tolist' -SUBJECT'$subject' -BODY'$bodytxt' -FILE' $ReportID ' -ALIAS'$alias' CALL SYSTEM USING $mail-cmd #Status end-procedure You would have to change the value of the variable $mail-cmd based on th path of your PSHOME.