What Are Some Programs Like Limewire
The move has left many users in search of an alternative to LimeWire. What other P2P sites are available? While there are countless options available, we polled the PCMag staff and put together a list of several alternatives for BitTorrent, Gnutella, and beyond.
May 27, 2006 Best program is Cabos, Exactly like Limewire, but free, no ads or no need to pay, much faster and consumes less resources, so ur computer doesnt run slow. Frostwire is like it. But it's even better. You can not only download songs but programs, games, movies ect.
All of these services should be used for legal downloads, of course; PCMag does not condone the download of copyrighted or illegal material. With that in mind, here are few sites that might help with the LimeWire withdrawal.

Ever since Lime Wire made its Tuesday announcement, the name FrostWire has been floating around the Web as a viable alternative. FrostWire, which touts itself as 'open source and completely free,' is a P2P file-sharing program for BitTorrent and Gnutella. It dates back to 2004, and version 4.21.1 is available now for download on frostwire.com. The interface looks a lot like LimeWire; a YouTube user posted an detailing how to get set up. On Tuesday, the company also for $4.99, though based on a, it leaves a little something to be desired.
Vuze, formerly known as Azureus, bills itself as the 'most powerful BitTorrent app on earth.' Earlier this month, it for the new Apple TV, BlackBerry devices, and a wider range of Android devices in addition to existing support for various game consoles, TiVo, and Samsung TVs. A paid option, Vuze Plus, offers unlimited DVD burns and built-in antivirus for $24.99 per year. Version 4.5 is available for download now.
PCMag about a year ago, and found it to be good choice for novices that may not want to learn file-sharing-related terminology before getting started. UTorrent is a small BitTorrent client that bills itself as 'a powerhouse with a tiny appetite'; the latest Windows version is just 320KB. PCMag in October 2009 and found it to be a basic, effective client. Since then, uTorrent has added an alpha and a for Mac.
Last month, uTorrent also a the Featured Artist program, which offers musicians and filmmakers the ability to submit their work for consideration in special promotions.
Best Answer: Napster www.napster.com was the original P2P program that was used to share music files. More recent programs include: Gnutella - www.gnutella.com Morpheus - www.morpheus.com Kazaa - www.kazaa.com Filetopia - www.filetopia.org Limewire - www.limewire.com Shareaza - www.shareaza.com Bit Torrent - www.bittorrent.com Many p2p programs today can share all sorts of files regardless of how big they are.
This may include music and video games, Word and Acrobat documents as well as computer programs. Please note that all content that is available on some p2p networks may not be suitable for children and caution is recommended when using such applications. NetAlert provides this non exhaustive link list for general information only. Links to external sites are not an endorsement or recommendation of another site or service. Please call our Internet Safety Helpline on 1800 880 176 for further information. Tell us some more. Upload in Progress.
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Music Download Programs Like Limewire
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