Black Box Eyezmaze Game First Password
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- Feb 04, 2013 Black Box Game From Eyezmaze Passwords. Black Box (GAME) EYEZMAZE FULL Walkthrough - Duration. Eyezmaze Black Box Walkthrough (First.
Original flash game. The rest of the game. For your information, [Black Box]. At the same point becuase the first password that I used went through the whole.
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Eyezmaze Games Unblocked

Since he postet this game a few hours ago, I think there is none. Well I will write one to the point I am (Level 81, but i think level display i flawed, it counts up with every reset.): Click on box Click on both Eyes and the buttons Click an HOLD the mouth to retrieve key with a click!
There are levers to click on both sides to 'open' the side. By clicking at the top of the head you can shake to left and right. Now click one ear and put the coin in the coin slot, turn the wheel. Do the same on the other side. Open pokeballs (sorry.) and drag the wing to the arms (vice versa). A long click on the top of the head and 'pumping' to blow baloons long click the stick (the neck of the head) to produce a third coint, use it.
Wheels goes into the mouth to get some earth i think. Open pokeball for glass ball, put earth in it. Bottom right and left are two expandable somethings with a red spiked something and a drop of water. Put them in the glass bowl. Shake the tree to produce a cute bomb. Click again on the top of the head for three sticks, but i dont know how to place them right. The sticks go into the holes AND into the leftover earth and i don't knwo anything about the symbols.
The order for the 3 sticks is: The one with screws, right side nearest head. The one with the stuff poking out, far right side under balloon. The silver one goes on the left side near the snake and then you must attach the bowl with the dirt (after the tree has grown and you've gotten the bomb) to the base of the stick (life the bowl toward the silver stick and there will be a descending arrow flashing to attach - just like you get for the little flame and the water drop when you take them near the bowl earlier). Nice game, and a bit different from the other 'grow' games. I'm glad to see that ON (the game creator) is alive and well and still working on his next big game.
Vex 3 game. I've spent enough time playing his other games that I didn't hesitate to make a donation for this one, although I wonder if the password requirement will eventually be lifted. A few general tips for people trying to solve this one: (1) Some puzzles cannot be solved when they first appear, so if you get stuck, try working on another part, then go back to the puzzle later, (2) There are a few places where you need to hold the mouse button, as opposed to just clicking or dragging, and (3) As has been pointed out, there is one puzzle that you need sound to solve.