En Iniya Iyanthira Serial
இது எழுதபபடட ஆணடு 1986 எனபதறகாக மடடுமே இநத புததகததிறகு five stars கொடுககலாம. இமமாதிரி சிநதனை உளள மறறொறு எழுததாளர கிடைபபது கடினம எனறே தோனறுகிறது. ஜீனோ எனனும இயநதிர நாய கதாநாயகன. உணரசசிகள அறற இயநதிரமாக விஞஞான விதிகளை பேசித திரிகிறது. மெதுவாக மனிதனை போல பயம, சிரிபபு எனறு உணரசசிகளை கறறுககொளகிறது. எநதிரன படததின விதையை அனறே விதைததிருககிறார வாததியார.
En Iniya Ethra By Sujatha. The famous novelist in tamil. Mostly Sujatha Novels are based on family and love. En Iniya Ethra is one of the famous novel in tamil.
வாததியார வாததியார தான.:-) இது எழுதப்பட்ட ஆண்டு 1986 என்பதற்காக மட்டுமே இந்த புத்தகத்திற்கு five stars கொடுக்கலாம். இம்மாதிரி சிந்தனை உள்ள மற்றொறு எழுத்தாளர் கிடைப்பது கடினம் என்றே தோன்றுகிறது. ஜீனோ என்னும் இயந்திர நாய் கதாநாயகன். உணர்ச்சிகள் அற்ற இயந்திரமாக விஞ்ஞான விதிகளை பேசித் திரிகிறது. மெதுவாக மனிதனை போல் பயம், சிரிப்பு என்று உணர்ச்சிகளை கற்றுக்கொள்கிறது. எந்திரன் படத்தின் விதையை அன்றே விதைத்திருக்கிறார் வாத்தியார். வாத்தியார் வாத்தியார் தான்.:-).
Finished the book in just 3 or 4 sittings! The novel by Sujatha is written in 1986.
The plot is set in 2021. And, almost the entire Governance is so methodical and authoritarian using robots. Jeeva is the leader who governs people using set policies, protocols and procedures. There is a group of people who want to free people from the clutches of Jeeva.

Even the births and deaths of people are programmed by the Government. The protagonist Nila gets inside this, unexpectedly and is helped by a robo Finished the book in just 3 or 4 sittings! The novel by Sujatha is written in 1986. The plot is set in 2021. And, almost the entire Governance is so methodical and authoritarian using robots. Jeeva is the leader who governs people using set policies, protocols and procedures.
There is a group of people who want to free people from the clutches of Jeeva. Even the births and deaths of people are programmed by the Government. The protagonist Nila gets inside this, unexpectedly and is helped by a robotic dog named Jeano. Surprised that Sujatha did not even mention usage of cellphones! The cellphones just became a giant of technology in no time without even giving people a guess what it will be! Sujatha, in 1986 thought about distributed computing! People use terminals and not computers at home.
So, probably he would have thought the computers are linked centrally. The robotic dog slowly gets human feelings - The plot is made to use in Rajnikanth's 'Enthiran - The Robot' movie 4. High Speed Transport systems - Though the train name is still Brindavan, it leaves Chennai at 6 am and reaches Bangalore at 6:30 am - in just half hour. Cars which can zoom on roads and rivers!
Sujatha Rangarajan

Prisons with no doors - or doors made of invisible shock-inducing electromagnetic beams. Underground trains in Chennai (which may be a reality in 2015. At present Metro work is in progress) 7.
Sorga Theevu
Complete abandonment of sports like Cricket, Kabbaddi etc (which may not happen in next 7 years) Okay, Next read should be 1984. Sujatha (Tamil: சுஜாதா) was the pseudonym of the Tamil writer S. Rangarajan, author of over 100 novels, 250 short stories, ten books on science, ten stage plays, and a slim volume of poems. He was one of the most popular writers in Tamil literature, and a regular contributor to topical columns in Tamil periodicals such as Ananda Vikatan, Kumudam and Kalki.
He had a wide readership, and served for Sujatha (Tamil: சுஜாதா) was the pseudonym of the Tamil writer S. Rangarajan, author of over 100 novels, 250 short stories, ten books on science, ten stage plays, and a slim volume of poems. He was one of the most popular writers in Tamil literature, and a regular contributor to topical columns in Tamil periodicals such as Ananda Vikatan, Kumudam and Kalki. He had a wide readership, and served for a brief period as the editor of Kumudam, and has also written screenplays and dialogues for several Tamil movies. Sujatha received an award from Government of India's National Council for Science and Technology in 1993 for making science accessible to the public through his books, magazine contributions and other media.
En Iniya Ethra By Sujatha The famous novelist in tamil. Mostly Sujatha Novels are based on family and love. En Iniya Ethra is one of the famous novel in tamil written by Sujatha – the story of the Novel is short – story – One of the Great Novel writer in Tamil he written more than 100 novels.
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Sujatha written of over 100 novels, 250 short stories, ten books on science, ten stage plays, and a slim volume of poems. He was one of the most popular authors in Tamil literature, and a regular contributor to topical columns in Tamil periodicals such as, and Kalki. He had a wide readership, and served for a brief period as the editor of, and has also composed screenplays and dialogues for several Tamil movies.
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