Il 2 Sturmovik 1946 Patch 4.11m

By Introduction 2011 was a banner year for the simulation industry, especially for the flight sim community. Team Daidalos, the group chosen to officially continue development and support of the IL-2legacy, has set 2012 off to a good start by releasing 4.11m for IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 that includes a number of features that bring the aging simulation up to and even exceeding today’s flight sim standards and expectations, including 6DoF views, improved enemy AI, updated engine management modeling, new flyable planes, new ground units, more flexible difficulty settings, and much more. Perhaps best of all, this patch, which includes a large number of new features in addition to bug fixes, is free! You can read the full list of changes and all the associated details in the, but here’s a high-level summary.
New Flyable Aircraft There are five new flyable aircraft, including: Tupolev TB-7 M40 heavy bomber, successor of the TB-3 heavy bomber, can really haul a heavy payload of weaponry: up to 4000 kg of kablooey. It wouldn’t be a Tupolev without soot and oil smeared down the wings. The TB-7 cockpit has come a long way from the TB-3’s. The Petlyakov PE-8 heavy bomber looks an awful lot like the TB-7 for a good reason: it’s the same design! The TB-7 designation was changed to PE-8 in memoriam of its designer, Vladimir Petlyakov, who died in 1942.
The Petlyakov PE-8 heavy bomber. The Ilyushin Il-4 (not to be confused with the lymphokine Interleukin-4) is a bomber aircraft and doesn’t bear much of a resemblance to the famous Il-2. Although not a sexy plane, there are folks quite happy to see this essential part of the historical VVS and Naval Aviation added to the flyable planes list. Not much to see on the outside but the II-4 cockpit looks fantastic and is great to fly. The Focke Wulf Fw 190 A-4 fighter is now available in a fully rated 1.42 ATA version. The throttle on the “old” Fw190 A-4 is now properly derated to a max setting of 88%.
No need to file a bug report, this is as designed. The Focke Wulf Fw 190 A-4 fighter This dial goes to 1.42, baby! The de Havilland Mosquito XVIII “Tsetse” has a 57 mm tank cannon (the Molins 6 pounder) jutting out of its chin which has devastating effect if you can land one of the slow-firing shells.

- Feb 27, 2012 Stupid 190 pilot(It's me.^^) crashed zero knot stalled then spin, vainly. Multi address:
- Added new difficulty settings for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 introduced in 4.11m patch. Before release of the HyperLobby with support for 'IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of.
This Tsetse will send you off to the Big Sleep. New AI Planes The AI get a few new aircraft to throw around the skies as well:. Douglas TBD-1 Devastator torpedo bomber.
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946. Valid base game versions for this patch: 4.07m (Original IL-2 1946 DVD release version) 4.08m 4.09b1m 4.09m 4.10m 4.10.1m 4.11m.
Henschel Hs 123 biplane dive-bomber. Rogožarski IK-3 interceptor.
Cantieri Aeronautici e Navali Triestini (CANT) Z.506b Airone float-plane transport. Kawasaki Ki-45 Kai Hei and Ki-45 Kai Tei twin-engine fighters.
Il 2 Sturmovik 1946 Downloads
New Ground Units Additional ground units are available for mission designers to create even more authentic missions. 6DoF Native 6DoF view support, finally! No more bandits hiding behind struts or tail feathers. True 6DoF is only available to NaturalPoint TrackIR controllers. Other controllers will not be able to roll the camera, hardly a serious handicap.
Note that view axes are intentionally limited when in the gunsight view. Leaning to the right and to the left. The camera position changes when pivoting the view around, reflecting the fact that a real pilot’s view doesn’t pivot around their eyeballs but around their neck, resulting in a small but perceptible change in perspective.
Other Notable Changes. The AI has been vastly revamped, including shooting and maneuvering capabilities, more realistic vision (including not being able to see through clouds), and prone to engine overheating limitations as well (see below).
Engine thermodynamics has been given a much needed overhaul and pilots of 4.10.1 and previous patches will find their aircraft overheat much more easily in 4.11. The good news is that radiators are now actually effective in cooling engine fluids instead of just changing 3D models and generating drag. I expect to see a lot of discussion on this topic in the forums. Yay, science!.
New difficulty settings have been added, including adding more flexibility in limiting external views, such as No External Enemy, No External Ships, etc. The bomb fuze models have been further updated, including addition of a number of different bomb fuzing options to support different attack types. Remember that instant bomb fuzes take several seconds to arm after release – the “instant” label means they detonate (almost) instantly on impact.
Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 Ultra Pack 3.0
Use a low-level fuze to drop bombs that arm quickly enough to be dropped from low altitude. The damage model for bombs has been improved, including damaging ships with near-misses, and bombs and torpedoes doing damage even if the player who delivered them is killed before impact. Control surfaces, flaps, and pilot head orientations are now transmitted over the multiplayer connection and saved in tracks. There are numerous additions to the already powerful Full Mission Builder that further expands the tool box available to the mission designer: stationary plane spawning, defined player spawn points, etc. Near hits can now be fatal to ships.
Team Daidalos has given us so much in 4.11m, it’s difficult to catch all of it in a feature. I heartily encourage you to crack open the guide and read through the detailed description of changes and see all the good work Team Daidalos has put into this patch.
As a fan of the IL-2 series, I am looking forward to seeing how all you clever mission designers out there use the new features to create fun and engaging missions. And I just can’t wait to see what else Team Daidalos has in store for the rest of 2012! Get the patch for standalone and the dedicated server in the SimHQ section (registration required). Don’t forget to download and install the hotfix as well to fix a CTD error that shipped with the 4.11m patches.
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