Line Of Vietnam
It's 1968, and you're a sniper in Nha Tong -- your job is to hunt down Vietnamese soldiers and pick them off, one by one. Thick vegetation and fully. A Vietnam War Timeline [Note: This timeline is an abbreviated version of the more detailed timeline posted on the Public Broadcasting System's 'Vietnam Online. Vietnam Invades Cambodia: Determined to overthrow the government of Pol Pot, Vietnam invades Cambodia. Phnompenh, Cambodia's capital, falls quickly as Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge followers flee into the jungles.

About This Game Every day brings another mission. Every day is LIFE or DEATH. As an elite marksman in Vietnam, your job is to locate elusive enemy soldiers and pick them off one-by-one. Whether it’s patiently waiting for the enemy to show himself or delivering a pre-emptive strike, the method is the same – Be quick, be quiet and be careful. That’s what will get you HOME ALIVE. Features:. Stay Low.

Line Of Sight Vietnam
Thick vegetation in fully detailed environments provides cover for youand the enemy. Select the right weapon for the job from over 12 authentic firearms. Keep Your Head. Face 12 missions alone.
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