Shichida Flash Cards
Shichida Flashcards Shichida Flashcards Benefits on your Gifted Child. In his book, “Children Can Change through Right Brain Education”, professor Shichida names.
This is a story shared in the book 超右脑照相记忆法 about a surgeon wife and her child who entered university at age of nine in America. When her child was 2-3 years old, she trained his observation.
While walking in the street, in the forest, or the beach, she would let the child said out what he saw along the way; described the scenery and things, the people they met, the colour of the people clothes. When grew older, the training became harder. The child was asked to recall what was seen before. The surgeon wife even played a game with the child, they walked pass the shop and tried to memorise all the items displayed on the shop window, and then they would try to name the items they saw as many as they could remember, the person named the more items correctly won. This training eventually trained up the child to be able to memorize the whole page on one book by one look. Amazing isn’t it. Mm good excuse to do more window shopping 😛.
You can make up story like the fox is eating a bun, wearing a shoe and running on the hill, to find an apple tree, but he only sees a door with sugar and a bee hive under the sun. All this while I am so blur that I am not sure why the Sensei in Shichida or Heguru showing flashcards session for Number Peg. In Shichida there are even number peg in Bahasa Malaysia. Until these two days when I re-read the book 超右脑照相记忆法 from Prof Shichida only I realize they are training the kids for Peg Memory. What is number peg (mm.
Or peg number 😛.)? It is a peg list, a list of items that is associated to the numbers. The following is the simple peg list which is based on Rhyme: e.g: 1. Hen After memorizing the above, if you are to remember a big number, e.g. 35821, you can use your own creativity to compose something like the following: tree-hive-egg-shoe-bun Another way to use the number peg is used it to memorize another list of objects. You need to remember the list of items as below: fox, hill, apple, sugar, sun You can make up story like the fox is eating a bun, wearing a shoe and running on the hill, to find an apple tree, but he only sees a door with sugar and a bee hive under the sun.
Another branch of Peg Memory is associate the items with location, places or other objects like body part. Categories. (21). (25). (3). (287).

(105). (5). (14). (31). (58). (657). (1,325).
(233). (23). (21). (17). (50). (25). (27).
(19). (7).
(6). (73). (5).
Locate your USB drive, and find the Chimera i386 folder: 4. Type cd i386 5. Type: sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0 (This is the first number on your identifer, so if your Lion is disk3s3, you'd change this to /dev/rdisk3) 6. Type: sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s2 (your disk IDENTIFIER from step 4). I386 folder location.
(29). (107).
(43). (4). (29). (1). (1). (2).
(1). (1). (13).
(2). (1). (1). (349). (61). (26).
(8). (4). (13). (1). (21). (18).
Shichida Usa
(5). (17). (26). (29). (3). (2). (4).
(2). (4). (4). (2). (1). (17). (142).
(281). (38). (79). (5). (27).
(8). (11). (17). (10). (22). (10). (8).
(130). (25). (8). (90).
(1). (17). (64). (41). (3).
Shichida Flash Cards
(3). (1).
(12). (191). (484).
. Wish to give your child a superb headstart in math?. Hope that your baby can pick up math concepts easily in future?. Want to know how to teach math in a fun way anytime, anywhere? Get a headstart with right brain math When Vee was 14 months old, I started him on right brain math, including Shichida 63-Day Math Dot Programme. Every night, I prepared flash cards for the following day’s lesson. I also showed him flash cards for random dots, organised (or pattern) dots, variety (picture) dots, addition +1 to +10 and multiplication x1 to x12.
He completed dot worksheets to practise his math skills, and we used math in our daily life. From 3+ years old, he started reciting and singing the times table from x1 to x12. Many young children, including yours, are able to achieve this because 0 to 6 years old is their sensitive period for reciting with ease. At 5 years old, he enjoyed learning math, had good number sense and could do mental math such as 89 + 9 + 2 = 100. Often, he told me “I just know it!” or “I can see the dots in my mind!”. Now both my elder children do Singapore math two grades above level, and the eldest enjoys olympiad math. Easiest way to complete the math dot programme After I became a busier mummy, I often missed many days during a math dot cycle for baby #2.
Finally, I landed my hands on the easiest way to complete the 63-Day Program. Or even in less days if baby is enthusiastic!
What is in it for you Here’s the ultimate package for right brain math. The original 63-Day Math Dot Program published by Shichida Education International. This gives you a huge variety of beautiful dot cards, all pre-packed for the easiest way to complete the program on schedule.
I started flashing multiplication dot cards to Vee when he was about 3 years old. From 3+ years old, he enjoyed reciting the times table and could apply them to his daily life. For example, “Mummy, this LEGO brick is 2×2=4!” (e) Dot Worksheets. Gives child regular opportunities to practise his right brain math skills So easy to teach math in only 2 minutes a day This package of pre-packed flash cards and printables allows you to teach math in less than 2 minutes a day:. 63-Day Math Dot Program: 10 seconds. Random red dots: 5 seconds.

Pattern dots: 5 seconds. Addition: 15 seconds. Multiplication: 15 seconds. Games and dot worksheet: 30 seconds. Total: only about 80 seconds! Testimonial “I truly enjoy and appreciate you sharing your experiences and material with us.” — A reader from Malaysia Testimonial “Thank you for sharing! You are a wonderful mom to your children and an inspiration to many mommies, including me.” Investing in your child’s math foundation After bringing down various costs and spending many hours creating printables, you’re now able to enjoy all these at a very special price.
This set of right brain math materials can be used by all your children until the youngest reaches 6 years old. You’ll learn exactly how to use the materials to carry out effective right brain math practice. When your children are older, the premium quality flash cards can be passed to younger cousins and friends, or even fetch a reasonable resale value. Assuming the 63-Day Math Program can be used over 3 children, each card is an investment of only S$0.14 per card per child.
With no time needed to make or arrange them. Like you, I love evergreen and durable educational materials. Extra Bonus. Free shipping of all materials via courier to Singapore / West Malaysia Special Bonus (Extended!) You’ll also get:. Priority booking and S$20 rebate on the Testimonial “Thanks for the helpful and useful information and materials that you have provided.” — A reader from Singapore Order now Singapore: These are ready stocks, to be sent out from Singapore. Very limited number of sets are available.
It’s amazing how The Ultimate Math Program have been so popular with mums around the world since launch! West Malaysia: Stocks have been sold out, the flash cards would be sent out from the supplier’s warehouse to you via DHL or our freight forwarder, to reach you in about 1 -2 weeks. Orders are fulfilled on a first-paid-first-served basis. Once this batch of stock runs out, new stock for back-orders is expected to arrive in 1 to 2 weeks.
Shichida Flash Cards
To secure your package, click the order button below now. How to buy These are the easy steps:. If you’re from Singapore / West Malaysia, click the huge “Add to Cart” orange button. Enter your name, email and preferred login details. In future, you may login to to download your math set instructions and printables. Click “Join” or “Buy” (Just click, even if you don’t use PayPal.).
Fill up your PayPal details OR. Click “Pay with my credit or debit card”. Fill up payment details. Click “Return to Owlissimo”. You’d receive an order confirmation via email.
Submit your mailing details. International Orders – CLOSED We are also able to send to the Australia, Canada, US, UK, Dubai, India, Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam, etc. At very affordable rates via DHL (only about 5 days) or our freight forwarder. Click the green button below to get a shipping quote: Testimonial “You have been such a great blessing to the mummies who are interested in right-brain training. Thank you for all your sharing. Looking forward to more great things to come.” Let’s unleash our children’s potential together!