Install Progress Openedge 10.1b Driver
I'm trying to set up an ODBC client driver for Progress 10.1b. I was able to install the client. Set Query timeout time via PHP ODBC OpenEdge Progress drivers.
Progress OpenEdge 10.1B driver is not available on a NetSetup client. Follow these steps to install the Mac driver for. Progress openedge 10.1b driver. Installing OpenEdge 10.2A ODBC Driver in a 64bit OS. The setup routines for the.
I'm a complete Progress newbie, I have a million questions, and I feel terrible for just dropping in here and dumping them on you. But I have spent a lot of time trying to find the answers myself, and so far, no dice. So here goes. I am trying to connect using the JDBC driver from a Windows box.
Progress Openedge Odbc Driver
I am running Progress/OE 10.1B on RedHat. I copied the drivers off the linux box and they appear to be working fine - ie - I know that my connect requests are reaching Progress. So my questions: 1. What port should I be connecting too for JDBC, and how do I find that out? (I've looked in the and hit all of those ports, and also hit the port shown under the showcfg) 2. Is there a special 'broker' or some sort of daemon that I need to start specifically for JDBC connectivity?
(or a start parameter when starting progress?) 2B. If there is a special daemon that is needed (or start parameter), how would I know if it is running or not? Do I need to have the Progress Network Client installed on my Windows machine for this all to work?
Progress Software Openedge
Or just the various.jars? (I haven't been able to install the network client, I don't know where it exists if there is a copy on the HD, and I haven't been able to get decent support from Progress as our vendor registered the OE licenses WE bought to themselves. Arrrg) I tried connecting with sqlexp using the same info and also couldn't connect. Same errors/ports as I saw using the JDBC driver.
On the port that I know agents are being brokered, I get this message back when I try to connect: sqlexp -db dev -S 3095 -user xxxx -password xxxx OpenEdge Release 10.1B as of Wed Jan 10 12:21:31 EST 2007 Connecting user 'xxxx' to URL 'jdbc:datadirect penedge://localhost:3095;databaseName=dev'. (8920) Error: DataDirectOpenEdge JDBC DriverA server crash is likely.
(8933) Thanks for any help you can offer. I really appreciate it.
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