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Events Booking is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use Events Registration extension for Joomla. It allows you to create events(both free and paid), allows registrants to register for these events(Individual, Group registration or Shopping cart) and process payment via online payment gateways. Main features: Nested Categories Events Booking allows you to organize your events cross infinite categories and subcategories: Unlimited categories and category levels.

One event can be assigned to one or different categories. Creating, managing events from both backend and frontend of your site Events can be free or paid events. Events can be used for registration or just for displaying purpose. You can create both one time or recurring events. For recurring events, different recurring types are supported: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly. Event can have a fixed start date or a TBC (to be confirmed) date.

Use Joomla core ACL to handle who can view and register for your events. Built-in Calendar Users can browse for your events in a nice, responsive calendar: Monthly layout allows viewing all events in the selected month. Weekly layout allows you to view all events in a selected week. Daily layout allows you to view all events in a selected date. Events can have different color in the calendar (based on the category which it is assigned to).

Properties Joomla Template brings Real Estate web concept back to life. This responsive Joomla template is a full real estate website pack that you don't need to.

6 different calendar themes to choose from: Default, Dark, Fire, Leaf, Ocean, Sky. Easy switching between Monthly, Weekly and Daily layout. Calendar Legend is also available.

Nice, clean, responsive layout based on twitter bootstrap (both BS2 and BS3) That means your users can browse and register for your events on PC, Laptop, Ipad, Smart phones. Different layouts to display events to your end users Calendar page to display events in calendar. Upcoming events page to display list of up-coming events.

Categories page to display list of categories (and sub-categories). Category page to display list of events in a category. Different layouts available: Default (list) layout, Columns (Grid) layout, Table and Calendar layout. Location page to display list of events of from a location. Event detail page to display information of event. You can use content plugins come with the extension to display detail information of an event or registration form in a Joomla article. Powerful, Flexible events registration handling For each event, you can enable Individual Registration, Group Registration, Both or Disable Registration(mean event just used for display purpose).

You can enable shopping cart feature so that your users can register for different events within one checkout You can limit number of registrants for each event(0 mean no limit). Use cut off date setting to only allow registration before a certain date You can activate waiting list feature so that when event is full, users can join waiting list. Then when someone cancel registration, you can enable users from this waiting list to join again. You can activate registration cancellation feature so registrants can cancel their registration if something happens and they could not attend your event Flexible Pricing Structure You can set up individual price for each event(0 mean free). You can setup group registration rates so that registrants will receive more discount (cheaper price) if they register for more number of registrants. You can use early bird discount to give registrants discount if they register for the event before certain date. You can also use members discount feature to give discount for members on your site (different group members can get different discount rates).

Price for registration can be fixed price or calculated by the options which registrants choose on registration form during their registration (using powerful custom fee field feature). You can setup fixed group registraiton rate so that price for registration doesn't belong group members. Custom, flexible registration form Integrate Joomla account registration (optional). You can choose which fields you want to use on individual registration, for group members, group billing form. You can create un-limited custom fields to collect any information you want from registrants. Each event can have its own, independent set of custom fields. Support 9 different types of custom fields: Textbox, Textarea, Dropdown, Multi-Select, Checkbox List, Radiolist, Datetime, Heading, Message.

Conditional custom fields feature is supported. With custom fee field feature, the price which users will have to pay can be calculated based on what users choose on registration form. Support 40+ payment gateways The most popular payment gateways: Paypal,, Eway, Worldpay and Offline payment plugins come with the extension by default.

Other payment gateways such as 2Checkout, SIM (Server integration method),Google Checkout, First Data, iDEAL Mollie are released as separate payment plugins. See Payment Plugins tab to see list of available payment plugins. If you need a payment plugin which is not supported, you can contact us and we will give you quotation for the development. Powerful Emails Notification System Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone register for an event or submit event from front-end(the emails which receives notification is configurable, multiple emails is possible - separated by comma).

Please note that you can use different notification emails for different events. Confirmation Emails sent to users when they register for an event or their registration is approved by admin (in case they use offline payment). Mass Mails feature allows admin to send emails to all registrants of a selected event. Reminder emails sent to registrants (automatically by the system) to remind them X-days before the event started. Notification email sent to administrator when registrants cancel his registration.

All email messages are customizable. Multilingual support Events Booking comes with a true multilingual support. You can translate categories, events, custom fields to different languages easily if your site is multilingual.

Tax, Coupons Code and PDF invoices support. Registrants Ticket Registrants can print registration complete page and use it as a ticket for the registration.

Generate QR code support Allow generating and inserting QR code into ticket and invoice Using the generated QR code and an mobile application for checking in registrants. Built-in front-end managements feature Users with proper permissions (setup by admin via Joomla ACL)can perform the following tasks in the front-end Submit events.configurable, multiple emails is possible - separated by comma).

Please note that you can use different notification emails for different events. Edit, Delete, Publish, Un-publish events.

Export registrants of an event. Manage registrants (edit, delete, publish (approve) registrants.

Registrants can access to see their registration history, edit their registration records. SEF / SEO optimization Intelligent Joomla core SEF router generate friendly urls without having to use any third party SEF extensions. You can set meta data (meta keywords, meta description) for each category and event. Semantic HTML coding, follow standard that is official supported by Google, Bing and Yahoo. This way search engines will understand when the event will take place, where and what images and descriptions are related to the event.

The semantic web will make your events and locations rank much higher in search engines Google Maps integration Easier locations / venues creation from back-end by drag the marker on the map. When you move the marker on the map, the address of location will be updated automatically. Display event locations/venues on Google Map. Get direction. Full features but easy to use back-end management Flexible configuration. Create and manage event categories. Create and manage events.

Manage registrants (find, create, edit, delete, approve, export registrants to csv). Create and manage locations (venues). Create and manage Custom fields. Install(new payment plugin), change settings of the payment plugins which you use. Change, customize messages / email messages. Built-in translation feature Allow you to change language strings (without having to edit language files directly) and translate it to different languages (if your site is multilingual).

Integrated with third party extension Joomsical and Community Builder: Auto fill-in registration form with data stored in user profile. Also there is a registration history plugin allows displaying registration history of a user in his profile. Integrated with newsletter extensions such as AcyMailing, Acajoom, CCNewsletter, Mailchimp so that when users register for event, they will be assigned to mailing list and you can send emails to it later. Create and manage events.Integrate with Joomcomments allows adding comment feature to event. Captcha & SSL integration Multiple modules and plugins Up-coming events, mini-calendar, categories, locations, search events module.

Plugin to display event on a Joomla article. Plugin to display registration form on a Joomla article. Search plugin allows searching for events via Joomla standard search.

Suggested templates We built the templates to work well with Events Booking: EShop is a powerful & responsive Joomla Shopping Cart / e-Commerce extension. It is built based on the standard Joomla! MVC structure with many great features, user friendly and easy to customize. You simply install, add products, enable built-in modules, payment plugins, shipping plugins and you are ready to start accepting orders. Joom Donation is leading donation extension for Joomla.

It allows you to collect donors information and get donation(one-time and recurring) from them through over 40 online payment gateways such as Paypal,, Stripe, Eway, Moneybooker etc. If you need a donation solution for your site, look no further. Main features: ✔ Support both one-time and recurring donation ✔ Unlimited Donation Campaigns Supported ★ This feature is optional.

You don't need to use it if you only want to have simple donation form. ★ You can set GOAL, START DATE, END DATE and description for each campaign. ★ You can track how much money each campaign has received. ★ There is also nice thermometer to show the progress of each campaign ★ Each campaign can have it own pre-defined amounts ★ Each campaign can have it own Paypal account ★ For each campaign, you can set the donation type which it accepts: One-time, recurring or Both (default is Both) ✔ Flexible Custom fields on Donation Form ★ Integrate Joomla account registration (optional) ★ Show/hide, change ordering any fields on donation form ★ You can change, translate the message and the title of the fields on donation form to meet your need. ★ Create custom fields (Text, Textarea, Radio, Dropdown, Checkboxes list, Datetime.) to collect more information of donors if needed ★ Each campaign can has it's own set of custom fields ★ Allow donors to donate by choosing from one of pre-defined amounts or enter any donation amount they want.

★ Allow anonymous donation. ★ Allow donors to choose the currency they want for their donation ✔ Multilingual support: If your site is a multilingual website, you can translate campaigns, donation form fields, email messages. To all languages use on your site ✔ Nice, Clean, Responsive Layout based on twitter bootstrap ✔ Powerful Emails Notification System ★ Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone make a donation (the emails which receives notification is configurable, multiple emails is possible - seperated by comma) ★ Confirmation Emails sent to users when he completes donation ★ All email messages can be configurable from back-end of Joom Donation. ✔ Support 40+ payment gateways ★The most popular payment gateways: Paypal,, Offline payment plugins come with the extension by default. ★Other payment gateways such as 2Checkout, SIM (Server integration method),Google Checkout, First Data, iDEAL Mollie, Stripe, PayU Latam.etc are released as separate payment plugins.

See Payment Plugins tab to see list of available payment plugins. See supported payment plugins here: ★Using Omnipay payment library. ★If you need a payment plugin which is not supported, you can contact us and we will give you quotation for the development. Membership Pro is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use membership/subscription extension for Joomla. It allows you to create and sell subscription plans, allows members subscribe for these plans and then give these subscribers access to restricted resources (articles, K2 items, videos, documents.) on your Joomla website. Main features: Create and sell subscription plans You can create both free and paid subscription plans. You can create plan which subscriptions will be expired after certain time (days, weeks, months, years) or lifetime subscription (never expired).

You can also setup subscription plans which subscription will be expired at certain date in a year (for example, all subscriptions will be expired at ). That's called Fixed Expiration date feature in the extension. You can also setup recurring subscription plans(Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly). For recurring subscription plans, you can even setup trial price and trial duration. For recurring subscriptions, subscriptions will be renewed automatically without requiring any action from subscribers.

You can categorize your subscription plans into different categories if needed. Nice, clean, responsive layout based on twitter bootstrap (version 2 and version 3) Different ways to display subscription plans to end users: Via menu item, embed the plans into a Joomla article using Membership Plans content plugin or display plans in a module position using Membership Plans module.

Different layout to display subscription plans: Default (List) Layout, Columns (Grid) Layout and Pricing table layout. Custom, flexible subscription form Login box displayed on top of subscription form (optional) so that users who have existing account can login before continuing subscription process. Integrate with Joomla user registration (optional): Users can enter username and password and the system will create a Joomla account for him when he signs up for a subscription plan.

Each subscription plan can has it own set of custom fields. Support 9 different types of custom fields: Textbox, Textarea, Dropdown, Multi-Select, Checkbox List, Radiolist, Datetime, Heading, Message.

You can choose which fields are showed/hided, require/not require on subscription form. You can create unlimited custom fields to collect more information about subscribers. With powerful custom fee field feature, the price which users have to pay can be calculated based on what options they choose on subscription form. Conditional custom fields feature is also supported. Flexible renew options For each subscription plan, you can define different renew options to allow subscribers to renew their membership. For example, if you have a subscription plan with subscription length is 30 days and price is 30$, you can define other renew options such as 10 days/10$, 20 days/20$.

That make the system very flexible and allow subscribers choose the best option they want for the renewal. Flexible upgrade options You can define upgrade rules so that subscribers can upgrade his membership from a (lower level) subscription plan to a different (higher level) subscription plan.

Support 40+ payment gateways The most popular payment gateways: Paypal,, Eway and Offline payment plugins come with the extension by default Other payment gateways such as Paypal Pro, 2Checkout, SIM (Server integration method), iDEAL Mollie. Are released as separate payment plugins. See to see list of available payment plugins. If you need a payment plugin which is not supported, you can contact us and we will give you quotation for the development. Powerful Emails Notification System Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone register/ sign up for a subscription plan. Confirmation Emails sent to users when they subscribe for a plan or their registration is approved by administrator (in case they use offline payment) Reminder emails sent to subscribers X-days and Y-days before their subscription is expired so that they can renew their subscription.

Notification email sent to administrator when subscribers cancel his recurring subscription. All email messages are customizable. Group/Family membership You can setup Group / Family Membership plans so that a user can sign up for that plan and add group/family members into the system. These members will have same membership/access level with group admin except that the could not add group members.

You can limit how many members a group admin can add into the system for each plan. Joomla User Groups integration: Assign subscribers to selected Joomla groups when they sign up for a subscription plan. Remove users from these group when their subscription expired. These groups can be configurable for each subscription plan Different ways to restrict access to restricted resources on your site to subscribers Using Joomla core ACL Restrict access to part of Joomla articles. Restrict access to whole Joomla article (articles detail page). Restrict access to K2 items. Restrict access to any pages (urls) Please read the documentation at to understand how to setup this restriction.

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Integrated with third party extensions JomSocical, Community Builder, Easy Social: Auto fill-in subscription form with data stored in user profile. Also there is a registration history plugin allows displaying registration history of a user in his profile.

Integrated with newsletter extensions such as AcyMailing, Mailchimp so that when users sing up for a subscription plan, they will be assigned to the selected mailing lists and you can send newsletters to them later. Synchronize data with Joomla users profile, Community Buider Users, Jomsocial users and Easy Social database. Subscriber can access to his membership profile and: Update his profile data Renew his membership Upgrade his membership Cancel his recurring subscription See his subscription history. Backend management Flexible configuration.

Create and manage plan categories. Create and manage subscription plans. Manage subscribers (find, create, edit, delete, approve, export subscribers to csv file). Import existing subscribers from CSV.

Create and manage Custom fields. Create and manage Coupon codes. Set tax rates / tax rules Install(new payment plugin), change settings of the payment plugins which you use. Change, customize messages / email messages. Manage countries / states Manage and translate language items into different languages. Built-in translation feature Allow you to change language strings (without having to edit language files directly) and translate it to different languages (if your site is multilingual). Other features: Tax support (including EU tax rules) Coupons PDF invoices Display subscribers in the frontend Captcha & SSL integration Membership ID Suggested templates We built the templates to work well with Membership Pro:

EDocman is the leading document and files download manager extension for Joomla. Building on top of Joomla Access Control Level System (ACL) feature, Edocman gives you a very powerful, flexible permission system which you can use to control who can access, download, manage (edit, delete, publish, unpublish) your documents from both front-end and back-end of Joomla site. Main Features: Nested Categories EDocman allows you to organize your documents cross infinite categories and subcategories. Hierarchical folders structure Unlike other files download extension using just one folder to store all files, EDocman allows you to put your files in a hierarchical folder structure (the folder structure is based on the categories structure which you setup - each category will have it's own folder to store files as state above).

Easy, Powerful Documents Management Each document can be assigned to one or different categories. You can control who can view Documents via Access Level property of the document (Public, Registered, Special. And any custom access levels in your system). You can control who can view Downloads, Edit, Delete, Publish, Unpublish the document via Permissions settings (Joomla core ACL) You can assign document to one (or several users) and only the selected users will be able to view and download that document Each document will be associated with one file. This file can be uploaded on create document form or choose from list of available files on your server or even from a remote server.

Different ways to import documents into system Batch Upload allows uploading (support drag and drop) multiple documents into the system at once. Batch Import allows importing existing documents on your server into the system at once. Manual creating documents one by one (default option). Auto Import Documents: You just need to upload documents to server (via FTP for example) and the plugin will auto scan and import these documents into the system. Dropbox integration: Storing documents on Dropbox to reduce your hosting usage.

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And it's easy to connect Edocman with your Dropbox account. Advanced, powerful and flexible permission system EDocman fully supports the Joomla permission system(Joomla ACL). You can define add, edit, delete, upload and download permissions for categories and documents. Permission Inheritance In EDocman (and Joomla), permissions will be inherited, so you do not need to set access permissions for each document and/or category which makes managing your permissions a lot easier and faster: Permission can be setup in Component Level, Category Level or Document Level. Permission of the component will be inherited from Site permission setting.

Permission of the category will be inherited from the component permission setting. Permission of the child-category will be inherited from it's parent category permission setting. Permission of the document will be inherited from the main category which it is assigned to. Nice, clean, responsive layout based on twitter bootstrap That means your users can browse and register for your events on PC, Laptop, Ipad, Smart Phones - Support both Twitter Bootstrap 2 and optional Bootstrap 3 support.

Categories page to display list of categories (and sub-categories). Category page to display list of documents of a category. Different layouts available: Default (list) layout, Columns (Grid) layout and Table Layout.

An optional layout switcher allows you to change the layout quickly from Grid to List and vice-versa. Document detail page to display information of document Front-end managements Users with proper permissions (setup by admin via Joomla ACL) can perform the following tasks in the front-end - Submit New Document - Edit, Delete, Publish, Un-publish Documents Indexing PDF documents EDocman has an Indexer plugin allows indexing content of PDF documents and make it searchable on your site. Notify Users when document is uploaded/updated EDocman Notification plugin allows sending notification emails to users from selected Joomla Groups when a document is uploaded/ updated to your selected categories. Easy Linking / Display Documents into article EDocman has an editor plugin which allows you to easy insert link to view / download a document into an article EDocman has a content plugin which allows displaying all documents from a category into an article.

Collect users information before allow downloading documents If you want, you can config EDocman to collect name and email of users before allow them to download a document. These collected users information then can be viewed in EDocman - Downloads Logs feature of the extension Emails Notification System Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone upload document from front-end. Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone download document from front-end Notification Emails sent to users when someone assign a document to him.

SEF / SEO optimization: Intelligent Joomla core SEF router generate friendly urls without having to use any third party SEF extensions. You can set meta data (meta keywords, meta description) for each category and document Download Logs Allowing you to see who downloaded your documents, user's IP, user's web browser, download date. Other features Document Licenses Document History Media player Document Lock status Document sharing Modules and Plugins Modules to display Latest Documents, Most Popular Documents and Top Downloads document. Search plugin which allows users to search for your documents via Joomla standard search. Smart Search (Finder) plugin Indexer plugin allows indexing content of PDF documents and make it searchable.

Documents Linking editor plugin provide an quick and easy way to link to a document from an article. EDocman Documents Category plugin allows display all documents of a category in a Joomla article. JComments plugin integrate with JComments to allow users to post comments to you documents. Payment Form (PMF) is a Joomla 3.x extension developed by Ossolution Team to allow you create forms to collect information and get payment from your site members / visitors (for a service, for an event registration.) via online payment gateway such as: Paypal,, Eway. Main features: ✔ Support different form types: ★ Free Form: Form with no payment needed. You can use this type of form to collect information of customers/users (like contact form.) ★ Form with fixed payment amount: You can use this kind of form if you want to collect information from customers and ask them to pay for a fixed amount which you setup for that form.

★ Form to allow customers enter the payment amount they want (into a text Amount field) and process payment ★ Form which has payment amount calculated automatically based on customers input. ✔ Different custom field types: ★ Textbox ★ Textarea ★ List (Signle and multiple select list) ★ Checkboxes ★ Radio ★ Date ★ File ★ Heading ★ Message ★ Countries ★ State ★ SQL ✔ Custom, Flexible Form ★ Integrate Joomla account registration (optional) ★ Show/hide, change ordering any fields on form ★ You can change, translate the form message and the title of the fields on the form to meet your need. ★ Create unlimited custom fields to collect information of your customer. ★ Each form can has it's own set of custom fields ✔ Different form layouts to use: ★ Default (Horizontal) Form layout ★ Inline (Veritical) Form layout ★ 2 columns inline ★ 2 columns 2 lines ★ You can also build the custom layout you want if you know basic programming (PHP, HTML) ✔ Different ways to display form: ★ Display via menu item ★ Display in a module position using form module ★ Display form in a Joomla article using the content plugin. ✔ Custom Field dependency is supported ✔ Nice, Clean, Responsive Layout based on twitter bootstrap. ✔ PHP Script plugin allow running custom PHP code (Joomla code) after payment record is stored and/or after payment is completed.

✔ Powerful Emails Notification System: ★ Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone make a payment (the emails which receives notification is configurable, multiple emails is possible - separated by comma) ★ Confirmation Emails sent to users when he completes payment ★ All email messages can be configurable from back-end of Payment Form. Helpdesk Pro is a professional Joomla 3.x helpdesk/support tickets extension developed by Ossolution Team. Building on the top Joomla framework and Twitter Bootstrap, Helpdesk Pro not only provide you an easy to use, features rich, effective support tickets system but also a nice, clean, modern interface to end-users. Main features: Nested Categories: Helpdesk Pro allows you to add categories in unlimited depth level to categorize your support tickets. For each category, you can assign manager(s) and when customers submit tickets to that category, manager(s) will receive notification about the ticket.

He can then access and reply to the ticket(both from front-end and back-end). Manage tickets from both front-end and back-end: When managers/administrator access to tickets management function (from frontend or backend), he will see list of all support tickets from the categories which he is assigned as manager.

He can then access to the ticket, post reply to the ticket, change ticket status, change ticket category, change ticket priority. Different ticket filter options: When you see list of tickets, you can filter by category, filter by status, filter by ticket priority.

That help us find / manager tickets much easier Powerful custom fields feature: Helpdesk Pro allows you to create custom fields (text input, text area, dropdown, checkbox.) and assign these custom fields to categories. Each support category can has it's own custom fields. When customers submit support ticket to a category, they will be able to enter data for all additional custom fields which you created for selected category.

Multiple attachments per ticket When customers submit ticket or reply to a ticket (adding a comment), they can upload multiple attachments to the message (the maximum number of attachment per message can be configurable from configuration section of the extension). Allow public users to submit ticket: Helpdesk Pro has a config option allow public users to submit tickets without having to login. After submitting ticket, he will receive a confirmation email which has an unique link allows him to access to the ticket in the future Assign ticket to staff: You can define staff group and assign individual ticket to the staff you want. Staff can then login to frontend of your site, access to Tickets List to see his assigned tickets, work on the ticket, communicate with client to get the support ticket completed/finished. Knowledge base support You can add un-limited knowledge base categories and articles, make it available to everyone You can convert a ticket to a knowledge base article Pre-defined replies: If you have repeated answers which you usually use to reply your customers for their support request, you can add these answer to Pre-defined replies.Then when you reply to a support ticket, you can add these replies into the response. By doing that, you won't have to type the answer again and it will save you much time Multilingual support: You can translate Ticket Categories, Ticket Statuses, Ticket Priorities, Email messages, language items.

To all the languages you are using on your website. Code hightlight: If you provide support for software, Joomla extensions., you will usually have to guide customer to find and change code (for programming languages, sometime it is PHP code, sometime it is HTML code or css code.). Helpdesk Pro added a feature which makes it easier for customers and you to read these code by supporting code highlighter (highlighter for most of programming languages are supported). Ticket Labels: The extension allows you to assign COLORED LABLE to your ticket.

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This provides you another way for categorize support ticket (please note it supports colored label) and makes it easier for you to filter for ticket which has the same label. For example, in our case, we can create some different labels: BUGSmean the ticket reports a bug of our product, NEW FEATURE means the ticket suggest new feature which we should implement into our products. Ticket History: This feature allows logged in users to see all tickets which he submitted, view/reply/change status/rating for a support ticket. Powerful search feature: You can search for a support ticket by sumitter user name, email, user ID, can search by ticket subject, description.

Create tickets from contact emails: Helpdesk Pro has a plugin which allows create support ticket when users use Joomla contact form on your site to send emails to administrator CSV export: Allows you to export support tickets into a csv file Powerful emails notification system: Sending notification email to managers/administrator when someone submit/add comment to a support ticket Sending notification email to customers when support ticket is replied Sending notification email to staff when he is assigned to a ticket Customers feedback: The extension allows customers to rate for your support. By having this feature, you will know how customers feel about your support and improve support quality if needed (very useful).

Multiple ticket statuses and ticket priorities: The system comes with some default ticket status and priorities. You can define new ticket status/priority if you want to meet your need Community Builder integration: The extension has a Community Builder plugin to display all tickets of the user in his profile Flexible config options: The extension has a configuration page which allows you to change many settings: email messages (email subject and email message), enable / disable attachments, enable/disable custom fields, default ticket status, default ticket priorities. PHP7 ready With the release of version 2.0.0, Helpdesk Pro is now fully compatible with PHP7 (which is very fast). So in case you upgraded your site to Joomla 3.5 and have all extensions compatible with PHP 7, you can use PHP7 for your site to improve performance. OS PDF Indexer is a Joomla extension to allow indexing and searching base on content of pdf documents of your Joomla site.

Features: Indexing pdf documents and save content of these documents into database for searching. These documents can be uploaded to different directories. Indexing all documents stored in a folder and all it's sub-folders within one click. This will save time for you incase you have many documents stored in different folders.

Searching indexed documents via Joomla standard search. Scan for deleted documents and delete them from indexed database. Integrated with popular download extensions: EDocman Allow indexing PDF documents stored by these extensions. Allow searching for documents based on indexed content via standard search function of these components.

The extension can also be used to index word documents. However, because of limitation of the Word Indexer library which I am using, there are still problems with word documents content special character. I will try to find a better library and add it to next versions of the extension to improve indexing word documents feature. OS Calendar provides availability calendar feature for properties of OS Property. OS Calendar 6.0 even better, it allows administrator/ agent or owner to be able to setup price for their apartments, hotels, villas, holiday or camp site in their OS Property system. Main features: ★ Online Booking: Book Online: rooms, villas, apartments etc of properties. Detailed availability calendar with booked and free dates information.

Set prices based on dates, price automatically calculated based on dates and prices and number of rooms. ★ Flexible Pricing: Advanced pricing manager assists you with the price settings for any days, months, weekends, specials offers etc on any room of properties. With a few clicks, set weekend pricing with minimum stay. Prices are presented within the tables describing cost and duration of stay. ★ Custom Fields: We have included some static fields to help you start your project quicker.

These fields are commonly used on property rental / holiday websites and can be turned off if needed. Fields are based on categories so you are free to customize them. If you need more fields you can create any custom field: text, dropdown, text box, check-box etc.

★ Multilingual: OS Calendar fully supports multilingual content. All elements like rooms or custom fields can be translated into any language. For non UTF-8 characters we are using URL aliases. ★ Flexible Payment plugins: OS Calendar supports multiple payment plugins. In default installation, you will have Payment and Offline payment gateways. But you can install or develop new payment plugins as you can.

And much more. Mailer Pro is a Joomla 2.5, 3.0 extension developed by Ossolution Team to provide you a quick, easy, reliable way for sending mass mails to your customers/site users. With Mailer Pro, you can send emails to: -Users from certain Joomla groups.Users returned from SQL Query (for example, customers who purchased certain products in Virtuemart or all registrants of a specific events in Events Booking.).Users stored in a CSV/Excell file Unlike other extensions which send emails as soon as the emails created, Mailer Pro store(queue) created emails in database and each time it only send a small number of emails (configurable - for example 50 emails each time). By doing that, you don't have to worry about mail server limitation anymore( Usually, Mail Server only allows sending about 150 emails per hours, and if you try to send more emails, these emails won't be delivered). You can also use any content plugins in the email message send to your customers, for example, you can notify your site users about new articles, new products, new events.which are recently added to your site.

You can publish a system plugin comes with the extension (or setup cron job) to trigger emails stored in the system. OS Property Ajax search module allows you to search properties in OS Property extension quickly. OS Property Ajax search module changes your concept about the search modules. Simple design, real-time working and much more performance than you have ever seen on real estate websites. There are many real estate web pages nowadays, but make yours a unique one.

Searching for a properties in OS Property system never was so easy with this module. Impress your customers with the clean, smart design and it will increase your site usability! The most important fact is the speed. Everyone use the search tool every day to get the most relevant information in a few seconds. The attitude of the people has been changed, they need the most suitable and relevant content in a short time. The OS Property Ajax Search Module is the common part of a good OS Property website, so you need the best of them!

Many useful features included in this module, like the keyword suggestion, what also can help for the user to start the right search. In latest version of module, OS Property Ajax search supports Multilingual.

OS Property Ajax search module can return the results (properties) depend Joomla! Current activated language at front-end of your site.

Documents Seller (aka DMS) is a Joomla 1.5, Joomla 1.6, Joomla 1.7, Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x extension developed by Ossolution Team to allow selling your downloadable products: Documents, Ebooks, Softwares, Joomla extensions, Joomla templates and get paid via Paypal,, Eway MoneyBooker and Offline payment payment gateway. It also allows your site members to upload and sell their own documents (If you turn on this feature) on your site. Note: In version 2.6.0, we just released 10 new payment plugins for Documents Seller. They are: Paypal Pro, Google Checkout, FirstData, Moneybookers, 2Checkout, SIM, Worldpay, Alertpay, DPS Px Pay, MIGS: MasterCard Internet Gateway Service (Australia).Now, Documents Seller supports total 13 different payment gateways. How it works: 1.

Joomla 1.5 Download

Customers go to your site, browse for documents and choose the documents which they want to purchase. Customer fill in order form, pay for the selected documents using one on of available payment gateway.

Administrator will received an email notification about the order. Customers will receive an confirmation email about the order.

In this email, they can get the purchased documents (sent as attachments if you enable this feature). They can also get the documents by clicking on the download links sent in this email (if you enable this feature). Customers can come back to your site later to download future versions of the purchased documents. Of course, you can limit this download by time or by number of downloads (see explanation below).

Administrator can manage these orders from back-end. Nested categories: DMS allows you to organize your documents cross infinite categories and subcategories. Documents management: DMS allows you to upload documents, enter document description, setup price and download restrictions from back-end of your site. From version 2.5.7, a document can be assigned to multiple categories. Flexible download restrictions: You can limit download by time or by number of download. Multi-payment gateways support: Right now, DMS support Paypal,, EWAY and Moneybooker payment gateways. We will continue working and adding more payment gateways to the extensions in the near future.

Allows you to collect user's information (first name, last name.) when they download your FREE document (this is configurable, mean you can turn this feature of). Offline payment support. Orders management: You can manage orders from back-end, assign an order to a user, export orders into csv format to view it in MS office application. Powerful tags system. 9: Powerful custom fields feature: With the custom fields feature, you can now ad. OS Property Map is one of many great OS Property modules.

It’s the most powerful, simple and usable way to show properties on Google Map or Bing Map on your site. This module provides the new Google/ Bing Maps design, multiple maps, custom markers and a great user interface. Our goal is to provide the functionality you need and show just the correct amount of properties as configured.

Eyezmaze games unblocked. Due to being low on funds and working too long on an unreleased project, Eyezmaze is for a code to complete the second half of the. Each discovery so far has been visually charming, and I have no doubt some of our readers will complete this in minutes. Players start with a simple black box, and in a few clicks, have this Sackboy-looking robot to poke and prod.

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Here are unique features of module: ★ Uses Google Maps API V3 ★ Includes Bing Map ★ Supports multilingual (as OS Property) ★ Supports Responsive layout ★ Power Configuration with Flexible data filtering ★ Speed up your site loading with Cache feature.