Sp Flash Tool V5
Download the latest version of Smart Phone Flash Tool (SP Flash Tool) to Flash Stock Firmware on Mediatek devices for Windows and Linux Computer.
One of the most prominent widely used flashing application for android phone is no other than SP Flash tools, and today we are going to provide you with a link to download SP Flash Tool V5.1648 which is the latest version of the app for both windows & Linux users. Of course it becomes handy for flashing of stock Roms, installing recovery image, as well as rooting of android phones The latest version SP flash tool V5.1648 is developed by MediaTek, a very popular Android processors maker, interestingly this version features some new tools for easy smooth usage, and likewise it can be used to install various forms of recovery be it TWRP or CWM, it can also be used to flash different Firmware, custom ROM as well as restore your phone full backup. Article Contents. Features of latest SP flash tools 1. Flashing Custom Recovery. With this Smart Phone Flash Tool, you can easily flash or install any type of custom recoveries like TWRP or CWM without any problem.

You can easily flash it, flashing custom recoveries with SP flash tool is quite straightforward as well as easy. Flashing Custom & Stock ROM. With the help of SP flash tool, you can easily flash any custom or stock ROM firmware very easily, Smart Flash tool is an expert in installing/flashing Custom or Stock ROM Firmware. The main advantage of SP Flash tool is that if you flash any stock firmware on a bricked smartphone, You can get it unbricked again. You Can 'Hard Reset' Your Smartphone. With the help of SP Flash Tool, you can also hard reset or 'factory reset' your smartphone easily only if you have MTK (MediaTek) chipset on your tablet or smartphone.
Where can I download SP Flash Tool V5.1648 For Windows. File Name: SPFlashToolv5.1648Win.zip. File Size: 48 MB. Compatibility: Windows Computer. Link: For Linux. File Name: SPFlashToolv5.1648Linux.zip. File Size: 62 MB.
Compatibility: Linux Computer. Link: For those of you who may have been searching for where to how to install latest sp flash tool v5.1648 well here you have it, enjoy and don't forget to ensure you know what you are doing before proceeding to flash any device.

Sp flash tool is the best freeware to flash any Android smartphone with stock ROM or custom ROM. Spflashtool stands for smartphone flash tool and the latest version is 3.1352.01 (5.1352.01). The updated version has completely new and user friendly interface with several improvements. You can download sp flashtool on your pc below.
Our support sections have complete step by step guide and video tutorial for using smartphone flash tool properly. This is a cross platform utility which is capable of download pre built images and binary data on MediaTek smartphone chips. Spflash tool currently works on Windows and Linux. Device preparation and pre caution for sp flashtool download.
Smart Phone Flash Tool Download
Flashing with a custom ROM will terminate your device warranty while Stock ROM won't. Beware and have a clean idea about what you are doing. Always have a full backup of your device data.
Sp Flash Tool V5.1620
Flashing will erase your personal data from the memory. Check whether you have enough battery life.
40-50% charge of battery is recommended. You must have installed ADB drivers on your PC. Here if you haven't installed them. No need any special permissions, specific skills or knowledge.
Just have a ROM image downloaded and you are ready to go. How to flash with SP flash tool. Switch off the device and detach the battery if possible. Download the stock or custom ROM image and unzip on your PC. Extract the downloaded latest version of SP flashtool and browse in to the folder. Run Flashtool.exe.
Sp Flash Tool V5.1352.01 Download
Go to the download tab. Click scatter-loading button. Open the scatter file at the Stock ROM folder. Click download to start flashing. Connect the smartphone to PC using USB cable while battery removed and press volume button to make it easy to detect the device to PC. Let the SP flash tool complete the flashing process. Close the SPflashtool and detach the device from PC.
Install MediaTek USB VCOM drivers manually In certain occasions you may required to install MediaTek USB VCOM drivers manually on your Windows PC. Please download following files and install them with the support of video guide below.