Ahlta Training Manual
- Ahlta training manual: User’s review: Mar 1, 2011 the u.s. Published: job ahlta training manual board. Composite health care system (chcs) – is a comprehensive.
- Jul 12, 2012 Computer Based Training for AHLTA David West. Computer-based Training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Tasking module in AHLTA.
Alleviating Headaches while Learning Technology: AHLTA. AHLTA -Standardized. Training for techs and providers simplified and consistent.
Ahlta Training Jobs

Chcs Training Manual
Composite Health Care System (CHCS) - is a comprehensive medical informatics system designed, developed and deployed by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) for use by all U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) military health care facilities. CHCS shares its original codebase with the VA VistA system. However, since its inception it has been customized to meet the unique needs of the military healthcare system. See CHCS consists of the following major software modules: Radiology, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Patient Registration, Admissions/Discharge/Transfers (ADT), Clinic Appointment Scheduling, Medical Records Tracking, Medical Service Accounting & Billing, Dietetics, Nursing, Medical Coding, and more.
Ahlta 3.3.8 User Guide
CHCS serves as the foundation for the new DoD electronic health record (EHR) known as AHLTA. Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA) is the clinical documentation engine for the physicians to write their notes, put in orders, document procedures performed and provide the basis of medical coding information. This information is then sent into CHCS and its subsystems. AHLTA is the next generation electronic health record (EHR) system used by health care providers in DoD.