Conversation Prism Pdf
JESS3 and I debuted versions 4.0 and of The (TCP) recently to an overwhelming response. The initial was intended to share the evolution of the popular infographic along with the transformation of the social landscape over all. Over the years, new startups, sunsets, acquisitions, mergers, and shifts in trends and technology have played out in true Shakespearean fashion, which has made for truly dramatic theater.Excietment and turmoil aside, The Conversation Prism is in of itself, one of the industry’s most comprehensive visual studies of how we use networks and how that changes over time.
Conversation Prism By Brian Solis & Jess3
THE CONVERSATION PRISM to you by Brian Solis S JESS3 Tw.i„ MADE- Documents Content hulu scRM Blogs I Co nversations Social Curation sup BRAN. With JESS3, Brian Solis has released version 4.0 of his conversation prism, which is 'a visual map of the social media landscape.' Created in 2008, the pri.
Since the latest iteration, which by the way comes almost two-and-a-half years following the release of version 3.0, interesting conversations and debates continue to bloom. I believe this interaction is healthy and it only helps an industry straddled with confusion and also opportunity, to better understand how to move in a meaningful direction. I’d like to share a few thoughts on this front 1) It was not intended to over-complicate social media. 2) It is not designed to exclude any service, merely represent behavior and some of the promising networking within each category. 3) It is not meant to be all-inclusive. In fact with 4.0, we’ve sparked development of new TCP’s to focus on important vertical markets.
If you have thoughts or feedback, please provide them in the comments section. 4) Taking issues with an individual spectrum is welcome. But I challenge you to think about intention and the CENTER of the prism to make the conversation more productive rather than a debate that is out of context from the onset. 5) This is designed to help you. Downloads in various sizes and shapes are available freely for you to download and share.
Take your pick. Because many have asked, it was also printed as a high-quality 22 x 28 poster. You can order it. 6) And, yesit’s unfortunate that the word Prism also means something else now. However, it is what it is. In many ways the irony is too great to abandon.
In the very least, The Conversation Prism represents an ongoing exploration in digital ethnography providing a unique snapshot in time of the social landscape dating back to 2007/2008. Comparing each version will provide an excellent foundation for historical research. It’s a catalyst for analysis, dissection and most importantly, interpretation and conversation. At the center of all of this is YOU and that’s what I’d like to focus on today. Getting to the Heart of The Conversation Prism The hub of The Conversation Prism is comprised of four concentric circles that visualize a continuous cycle of renewal.
Each halo builds upon the other to advance strategies and intentions as we experiment, learn and improve. Halo 1: Bringing it Home: The Brand YOU The center of TCP is literally “you.” This was intentional and true going back to version 1.0. You have no business creating a presence in every network. You should only manage a presence where it’s warranted. Whether you’re merely listening or building communities, the idea was to explore your opportunities beyond the usual suspects (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, Vine, et al.) and find the networks where you can gain or introduce value. Value is to be defined however as it’s not solely relegated to traditional ROI.
Brand resonance or equity, relationships, reciprocity, thought leadership, intelligence, etc., are all on the table. Halo 2: Vision. Once you’ve defined the YOU and the role you play or wish to play in social, consider the pillars for meaningful engagement.
Vision – What is your vision for social media and how would you articulate it to your executives and stakeholders. Purpose – What is the motivation or grounds for social media and how can it be justified against other investment opportunities? Value – Social and relationships involve more than one party and value must be mutual. What is the value you intend to deliver and how will you assess and communicate value? Commitment – Before you invest in social, understand the commitment necessary to provide and gain value as you. Allocate accordingly.
![Prism Prism](
The Conversation Prism Pdf
Transparency – This is an era of business where information isn’t only democratized, networks and nodes are becoming human. It’s essential that all of the pillars above are communicated and enlivened in all you do and say. Halo 3: Brand, Lines of Business, and Corporate Functions Social is not a silo or a function, it is a way of business.
It is intended to mature business perspective from a command and control mentality to that of engagement and openness. As such, it’s bigger than marketing, it affects employees, customers, and all of the processes and systems that exist between them. Halo 4: Always Be Improving (ABI) – Listen.
Brian Solis Conversation Prism
Often, there’s what you want to talk about and what they (customers and employees) want to talk about. Mutual value lies somewhere in the middle.
It’s often said that. The last stage in the center of The Conversation Prism reminds us of the importance of listening. In doing so, we learn and adapt to improve all that we do inside and outside the company. Each of the concentric circles is designed to work together, to help you improve strategies and results to improve the way you work, how you build relationships with employees and customers, the ability to create and improve better products, services and experiences, and overall, the role you play and the stature you earn as a result.
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There are thousands of companies starting each year looking to find some way to tie themselves into the social media industry. Often times it can be rather difficult for people to keep track of what services does what.
Sure, there are that can help that, but the one thing that proves problematic is looking at how the industry has evolved. In 2008, principal analyst and author, in association with design firm JESS3 (yes, ), created, a research-driven infographic that looks at the social Web and its different divisions. Now, it has been updated with the addition of categories to account for the new services being developed today, including enterprise social networks, social marketplaces, influence, quantified self, and service networking. Solis says that the Conversation Prism is designed to help companies looking to incorporate social into their programs by providing a “visual representation of the true expansiveness of the Social Web and the conversations that define it.” At first glance, the above graphic can be a bit confusing, especially when you gaze at the center of the graphic, so let us explain what it’s all about. In the center of the Prism is the business or the person spearheading the social campaign: you.
From here, you can shift the outer circles accordingly to fit your intent, whether it’s about value, purpose, transparency, commitment, or vision. After that, it’s just a shift of circles in order to find the tools that properly align to your business goals. Just like with most LUMAscapes and other infographics that try and capture the social media landscape, the Conversation Prism is certainly not all-encompassing and won’t include all startups in the space. It’s been 2 1/2 years since this graphic has been updated and Solis tells us that the model has been changed from a flower-like motif to one that is much simpler and puts more focus on the ever-changing landscape. In a sign of the times, the Conversation Prism now includes sections dedicated towards the enterprise, which includes companies like, and others. Also included are influence-based services like, and; Quantified Self services including, and; Social marketplaces like, and; and service networking startups, and. Solis, author of popular books such as Engage, The End of Business As Usual, and What’s the Future of Business?, says: The social landscape is evolving with increasing acceleration.
As you can see throughout every iteration of the Prism, the number of networks that vanish and emerge is staggering. But more importantly, the nature and focus of how networks are used is also dramatic in its changes.
In some cases, we see the move to smaller or more concentrated networks and at the same time the visual “social” web is becoming more pervasive. Interestingly, the newest version of the Conversation Prism has seen 122 services such as Utterz, Xanga, and Kyte removed from the chart, with 111 new ones added. In the next two years, with the state of companies being acquired, dissolved, founded, it will be fascinating to see what the new social media landscape will look like. ➤ Photo credit: Read next.