Strike Fighters 2 Keyboard
I am new to this game and wanted everything set to easy mode until I get the hang of things. I set various command functions to my joystick (logitech 3D Pro) but would like to change them, the trouble is I have no idea how to revert back to the default settings. Can anyone help me? Lastly, Can anyone tell me which commands on easy mode are absolutely must haves. There is a slew of radar commands and targeting commands, but I'm unsure what to choose.
Strike Fighter Game
The game has a default set of key commands. (1 through 9 at the top of the keyboard) to select a specific menu or message.
I only have 12 buttons on my joystick. Thanks Roger that did it. I take it if I want to add aircraft skins I need to drop them in the Objects/Aircraft/Type of plane folder? I downloaded the F4 skin pack but am unsure if it works ingame yet. I'm mostly interested in the sundowners and jolly rogers F4 skins. This kernel requires an x86 64 cpu.
'I use '4' and '6' as select Next/Prev radar target and '5' to select target' I will use this also so i can free up some more keys on my joystick. As i said before I just want to dogfight Migs and not have to worry about air to ground stuff just yet. Any other suggestions for the game? Ok thanks for the info wrench. From going to the knowledge base it looks like I just create a folder titled Mods correct? I then drop any mods folders inside it and the game should recognize it.
Strike Fighter 2 Download
The skins looks easy to do, I just check the readme that comes with each skin so that should be good to go. I do have a question though about aircraft carriers. Can someone recommend the best carrier mod to download.
I am a bit overwhelmed by the number of different mods to install and might have missed something. I'm looking for a carrier that has more aircraft on its deck and maybe some deck crew on it too. Actually the 'mods folder' is automaticly created the 1st time you run the game's exe. We just call it that for convience (and the fact that very few of us have one that unmodded!! ) There is a real name for it, but can't remember. However, I DO remember the stuff down in the /ProgramFiles(x86) is called the 'core install'. Well, personally, I like the stock ones, as the game generates parked aircraft.
Strike Fighters 2 And Its Expansions
However, for a more busy deck, there's SkateZilla's Nimitz class (don't remember what name it's using this week. CVN-75 or something??).