How To Fill Pdf Forms With Php php-pdftk. A PDF conversion and form utility based on pdftk. Php-pdftk brings the full power of pdftk to PHP - and more. Fill forms, either from a. Creating a PDF (optionally, a flattened / uneditable PDF) from PHP code is super easy when using The PDF Toolkit (or PDFtk for short). Most web hosting providers.
Base name: Description: Create and load PDF forms in FDF format Version: 2.0 PHP version: 5.0 License: All time users: 5088 users All time rank: 505 Week users: 1 user Week rank: 612 Groups Classes using PHP 5 specific features Listing, accessing and manipulating files and folders Manipulating and validating text data Innovation Award May 2008 Number 3 Prize: PDF forms (FDF) are documents with fields ready to be filled by an user using PDF reader program. FDF is a little different from regular PDF documents, but this class makes it easier to generate and process FDF documents using pure PHP code. Manuel Lemos. php-pdftk A PDF conversion and form utility based on pdftk. Features php-pdftk brings the full power of pdftk to PHP - and more. Fill forms, either from a XFDF/FDF file or from a data array (UTF-8 safe for unflattened forms, requires pdftk 2.x!).
Create XFDF or FDF files from PHP arrays (UTF-8 safe!). Create FDF files from filled PDF forms. Combine pages from several PDF files into a new PDF file. Split a PDF into one file per page. Add background or overlay PDFs. Read out meta data about PDF and form fields. Set passwords and permissions Requirements.
The pdftk command must be installed and working on your system. This library is written for pdftk 2.x versions. You should be able to use it with pdftk 1.x but not all methods will work there. For details consult the man page of pdftk on your system. Installation You should use use to install this library. Composer require mikehaertl/php-pdftk Examples Operations Please consult the pdftk man page for each operation to find out how each operation works in detail and which options are available.
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Fill Pdf Form With Php
Note: Some commands allow to alias your files with a handle (see examples below). In version 2.x of pdftk a handle can be one or more upper case letters. For all operations you can either save the PDF locally through saveAs($name) or send it to the browser with send. If you pass a filename to send($name) the client browser will open a download dialogue whereas without a filename it will usually display the PDF inline. IMPORTANT: You can always only perform one of the following operations on a single PDF instance. Below you can find a workaround if you need multiple operations. Fill Form Fill a PDF form with data from a PHP array or an XFDF/FDF file.
Fill Pdf Form With Php
Use mikehaertl pdftk Pdf; // Get data $pdf = new Pdf( '/path/my.pdf '); $data = $pdf -getData; // Get form data fields $pdf = new Pdf( '/path/my.pdf '); $data = $pdf -getDataFields; // Get data as string echo $data; $txt = ( string) $data; $txt = $data -toString; // Get data as array $arr = ( array) $data; $arr = $data -toArray; $field1 = $data 0 'Field1 '; How to perform more than one operation on a PDF As stated above, you can only perform one of the preceeding operations on a single PDF instance. If you need more than one operation you can feed one Pdf instance into another.