Prolific Pl 2305 Driver
Prolific offers complete USB to Serial/UART/RS232 and USB to Printer interface bridge solution for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android platform. Prolific provides perfect solution to connect your legacy peripherals and application to any USB host platform. (Please read) Part Number Max.
The PL2305 controller is designed according to the USB Printer Class specification so that default inbox driver is. PL-2305(Chip Rev. / E-mail. HP 6616f-b Would like to get my HP1100 Laser Printer to work with Windows 7 64-bit on my new HP Computer. This Parallel - to -USB cable came with drivers for older OS. Prolific PL-2305 USB to Parallel Converter. I know that the current linux 2.6 kernels have support for the PL-2305. Is there a driver planned or in development.
Baud rate Crystal-less High ESD Embedded OTP Printer IEEE1284 Embedded RS232 Transceiver GPIO Package 115Kbps V 0 SOP8 6Mbps 2 SSOP28 12Mbps 12 SSOP28 12Mbps V V 8 SSOP28 QFN32 12Mbps V V V 8 SSOP28 1Mbps V V V 4 SSOP28 - V Y SSOP48 Popular Downloads:. Windows:. Windows:.
Windows:. Mac OS:. Android.
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Prolific Pl 2303 Drivers
Installation ease: Driver stability ( once installed): Expected results: Overall Experience Of Use.